They will always ask me "Will you play games till you get old?"
Every times heard this while playing games
I will always think that I felt I will play till I'm old
But when I'm at home doing nothing and ask myself the same question
Will I really will "play games till I'm old?"
While nothing playing games
I always felt I won't
While I felt yes
May be because the games I played was nice
And when I felt no
May be I can't find a better game than that
Year passed
And things become better technology
Won't there be one
That I can feel it's a nice game
Can make me play more than 3 months?
New games came out not long
I will feel bored very fast
I don't think this happened to me only
Because other peoples are same as me
May be it's a nice game
But not the game I like
Played for sometimes
Then will stop
And look for something else
Then when the time passed
Always think of coming back to play the same game
Start from the beginning
But won't last longer than 3 days
If there's really a game that can make me feel
Like playing it more than a year
I think I will play games forever
If not
When the years passed
May be I will leave the world of games
The game I played the longest was New Sealonline