Most of the players just download apk directly from their mobile phone and install automatically using market. Android market allow you to download install automatic without asking you yes or no. They also allow you to synchronize with your gmail account so you can select the application or games you want and install from the website using a machine which allow you to access to their website, Android Market. Once your mobile go online, using either 3g or WiFi, application will automatic install to your mobile.
The second way is to download from your laptop or desktop, then using usb connection to transfer all the apk files to your mobile and install manually.
Third way is the same as second, but this time you do not need to connect usb cable. All you need from your laptop or desktop is a WiFi connection which allow you to connect directly using WiFi.
To use the third way, you need ADBwireless install to your mobile and 3 ADB files copy to your system. You can either download android sdk files from google website for android sdk or just the 3 files from here and unzip to your C drive folder as this (c:\winnt\ or c:\windows).
Turn on WiFi connection from your mobile and run application ADBwireless, press the green BIG button and it will prompt you to run adb connect <ip address>:<port> from command prompt in your system. Check the screenshot below.
Once connected, you need to search for your apk files and use dos command prompt to install direct and manually to your mobile phone.
The command is very simple, all you need to know from command prompt is how to change a directory and adb command to install. Before changing a directory in command prompt, you need to know where the location of the apk files you put in. I have put my apk files in <c:\apk>, so I need to type CD\ to change to root directory and press <cd apk> to change to my directory apk folder in drive C.
Before install apk file, you need to know the filename inside the apk folder. So you need to use a dir command to read the folder and type <adb install filename.apk> to install to your mobile without prompt you install or cancel in your mobile. If you want to reinstall the same application due to previous installation is corrupted, you only need to add <-r> in front of the filename of the command like this <adb install -r filename.apk>, so it will reinstall and overwrite existing one in your mobile. To install into your SD due to your internal storage is too small to install too much application, you can use this command <adb install -r -s filename.apk>.